Sunday, 20 February 2011

please don't go crazy if I tell you the truth

For those of you who read my last post you'd be expecting me to be in Bruges this week with my boy. Unfortunately we wont be going, sad times :(:(. We didn't actually book the holiday, my boyfriend just reserved a place until he got paid to book it. When we went back on Friday to pay the travel agent told us we didn't have a place and her colleague shouldn't have said we could reserve a place because they don't do that. VERY GUTTED!! I guess I shouldn't have mentioned it as it wasn't a definite and now feel like I have definitely jinxed it. In future I will not blog about something I'm looking forward to until it is 100% as I'm extremely superstitious like that and it was just the excitement of the trip that made me break one of my rules. However, I think it's safe to say that one day we will get to the beautiful city that is Bruges :)

On a happier note my camera finally came!!! This means that I can finally take some decent pictures and do some consistent posts. I'm not sure what though as I don't really know where I want my blog to go. I don't want it to be a fashion blog as I honestly do not think I look good like all the other girls who have fashion blogs although if I'm wearing an outfit I really love I will blog about it. I'm thinking I kind of want this to be like an online diary maybe, something I can look back on and enjoy. I'll have a think about what kind of posts I can include in my blog but I'm interested in your opinions too, what would you like to see?

Here's just a few pictures I'm loving right now :)

All pictures from weheartit

P.S - I know alot of bloggers prefer bloglovin' to follow blogs on and it's been recommended to me so I thought I'd sign up so now you guys can follow me on bloglovin' too!


- R x


  1. I love photos like these...and of course Marilyn Monroe! She's such a beaut! x x

  2. Awesome pictures!
    Nice blog...

  3. Sorry to hear about your trip to Bruges! Always plenty of time to find another :) Great set of pics x

  4. Oh yay your camera arrived. can't wait to see it in action! x
