Tuesday, 23 August 2011

when you find that things are getting wild dont you need days like these..

Wow. What an August I have had! Firstly, I started the month off with an amazing 4 days in Barcelona with my boyf. Had such a brilliant time, I fell madly in love with the place, with it's history and it's beautiful obscure buildings and designed by the brilliant Gaudi, got a fab tan and got to spend some amazing time with my boyfriend just the two of us.
Then, last Thursday - A Level results day - I got in to Swansea University!! Followed straight afer on Friday with a long weekend at V Festival where I saw some of my favourite artists like The Courteeners, Eminem, Arctic Monkeys, The Enemy, Ocean Colour Scene (a lyric of theres is the title of the blog post as I think it's just so fitting as I'm having a mad/busy/wild month and have just enjoyed a gorgeous peaceful day in the sun going for a walk, to the cinema and for a meal with my boyfriend) etc.

It has literally been such a whirl wind of a month and it's not even over yet!! September will be just as mad I'm sure what with shopping for Uni stuff, my birthday and then actually moving to Swansea. It will be so mad but I seriously can't wait. I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life!

Pictures of Barcelona coming very soon and I'll do some posts about the stuff I buy for uni and stuff for future uni goers :)

Also I have to mention the giveaway over at one of my favourite blogs being little. Probably one of the best giveaways I've ever entered, she's giving away some amazing stuff to celebrate the first birthday of her amazing blog so head over there, check it out and give her posts a read!

- Bek

Monday, 18 July 2011

Jesus loves you more than you will know


This post is coming quite late (I mean in the day although it is actually also quite a while since my last one.. oops :( ) but my sleeping pattern is actually ridiculous nowadays! I don't get to sleep till at least 4 most mornings and have been spending my nights watching re - runs of One Tree Hill, my all time fave TV show!

I've been really toying with the idea of stopping blogging, whats the point if no one reads it? and I really have nothing interesting to say ever! but my boyfriend has been very adammant (his name is Adam.. hehe) that I carry on and so I promised him I would. He's lying next to me right now, lightly snoring and he just looks soooo adorable (although him slowly edging over to my side pushing me out is not so cute, more incredibly annoying!) it made me remember my promise and decide to get back into it. I reeeeally love reading other peoples blogs and I do really want to keep my own so I'm determined to this time! I don't know anything about fashion or beauty so I'm going to take this blog in a kind of, journalish direction.. a bit like Rebecca from R for Rebecca and Danni from ellieand who talk through their days and stuff quite a bit and are two of my fave bloggers!

I do actually have nothing interesting to say today though haha. The blog title is from the song "Mrs Robinson" as I'm sure you're all aware which was a question in the game of Trivial Pursuit that I just beat Adam in ;). Playing Trivial Pursuit, watching One Tree Hill, having movie nights and going for meals with my boyfriend and doing pub days with my friends is all I seem to have done since I finished my exams.. not really the most exciting of times but I've been having fun.

Movie night treats courtesy of the boy - meringues and onion rings, my fave!

Tomorrow I'm going for a game day/night at my friends.. I'm soooo excited, been a while since I had a girly day and what could be better than board games, Chinese, alcohol and your best girls?

There is one piece of exciting news I want to share however.. on the 1st of August me and my boyfriend will be going to Barcelona for the week!!!! SO EXCITED! Seriously can not wait. It'll be our first proper holiday :) We've been on weekends away to Swansea and Plymouth and he came to Summerset with my family and I but this will be our longest holiday alone :). I'll be taking LOADS of photos there so when I get back I will deff have something interesting to talk about!!

Barcelona bound baby!

Sunglasses I won in a giveaway from Yes I Dress, absolutely gorgeous and will be able to get plenty of wearing out of them when in Barcelona ;)

- Bek :)

P.s - Can tell how crap at blogging I am by my pictures. Can anyone suggest a way to upload them so they are the same size and I can add a little border and place them nicely!? I hate the way their looking at the mo! (also quality's not great as I'm using an old, awful camera but that should shortly be sorted!.. hopefully)

Friday, 24 June 2011

SENNA review :)

Me and the boyfriend went to the Cinema on Wednesday night to see Senna. One of the best films I've watched for a long long time. It's basically clips taken from Ayrton Senna's life and put together telling the story of his amazing racing success' and some of his racing lows (he was a racing driver in 80's/90's) and other footage giving you an insight into this incredible mans life. I love life stories of famous people and this was so good because it was real, not one scene was acted it was all taken from archive footage which made it so moving and emotional and extraordinary. I was literally on the edge of my seat in some of his races crossing my fingers that he won. I would definitely recommend this film for anyone who enjoys a good biopic and you don't need to know anything about or enjoy motor racing to fall in love with this beautiful, inspiring man.
And girls, if this film doesn't sound like your cup of tea but your man is dragging you along to it, Senna is a lovely bit of eye candy ;)

- Bek

Welcome back life!!

Wow, I've finally finished exams. I'm obviously relieved that its all over but a bit of me is like :\ "ahhhh end of secondary school for good now! Now I'm officially an adult in the big wide world, heading off to uni living on my own!" which is really very sad as I've utterly left my school now where I had the greatest 7 years of my life and also very scary because.. I AM SO NOT READY TO DO THINGS ON MY OWN! I can't cook, wash, iron.. I need to do so much learning over this summer, seriously! :\

Anyway, before all that I have this longgggg summer ahead of me. Yay! Have been waiting for this day (end of my exams) for so long so I can wake up at whatever time, text a mate to hang out with and not worry about revision. There is sooooo much stuff I really can't wait to do! I've made a list :)

- Start this blog, properly! Been so busy I've not been able to really blog the way I want but now I've got so much spare time I'm going to get this really going.

- Learn Italian :) my boy brought me a DVD of it for my birthday in September but I haven't even took it out the wrapper yet! Can't waittt to get stuck into that!

- Go out too much and get too drunk.. well, you only live once ;)

- Read, read, read! Starting with The hunger games! love a good read and haven't had the time to read anything that wasn't history, psychology or drama related for so long.

- Go away with my boyfriend! We're looking at maybe Portsmouth and Barcelona. Gahhhh, if they manage to go ahead they will be amazing!

- Maintain my healthy eating and beauty routines. Sort my skin and body out ready for flashing the flesh in Barca ;) or Cornwall where I am 100% going to with my family in July :)

- Go to as many art galleries and museums as I can. I love museums, find them so interesting and relaxing and I know this summer me and my boyfriend will be going to many different ones all over England

- Update my iPod which has night had any new songs on it since like September!
- Spend lots of time with my boy :)

- Spend lots of time with my friends :)

Gahhhh, this summer is going to be amazingly fab!! Does anyone have any plans for summer?

- Bek

P.S - my posts wont usually be this wordy :)

Thursday, 9 June 2011


Oh my god, have not posted on here for so long i've almost forgotten how to!! I do apologise if anyone actually reads this blog, I've been having personal stuff so the last thing I wanted to do was blog and I've been busy with my trip to Lourdes and exams and final deadlines and UCAS and gahhh! Being 18 is hard work :( and the worst part is, I'm sure its only going to get harder..

I really want to make this blog work so after my exams which finish on the 23rd June you will be seeing alot more from me :) that is if people read this blog....

Anyway, this post is about my tumblr. Please don't ask me why I finallllly made one the day before the start of my proper exams but I did and I'm so not good at stuff like this! I HATE HATE HATE the way it looks, could anyone help me? I'd like to follow some of you guys as I love your blogs so I'm sure to love your tumblrs so if you have one, comment this post with your erm, tumblr name? Is that what there called? need serious help!!!

I'm also thinking of getting Twitter but it looks soo complicated! Anyone reccomend it?

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

pirate, skulls and bones, sticks and stones and weed and bombs

I have been terribly MIA from the blogging world. Well, half and half as I've still been reading everyones blogs daily but I just havn't been in the mood to actually write anything. I do have a very legitamate reason as to why but I'm not really comftorble discussing it with the whole of the world wide web atm so you'll just have to forgive me, please!

I do aim to get back soon, when things have cleared up and gotten better so please bare with me :)
BTW does anyone know where to get cheap quitled/padded jackets from!? Topshop and river island have beautiful ones but there way too expensive for the amount I have in my bank at the mo, and eBay is massivley letting down on this one! Please drop me a comment with any suggestions, would really appreciate it.

- R x

P.s - anyone see what I did there with the title of the post, an M.I.A song as I've been M.I.A ;)

Sunday, 20 February 2011

please don't go crazy if I tell you the truth

For those of you who read my last post you'd be expecting me to be in Bruges this week with my boy. Unfortunately we wont be going, sad times :(:(. We didn't actually book the holiday, my boyfriend just reserved a place until he got paid to book it. When we went back on Friday to pay the travel agent told us we didn't have a place and her colleague shouldn't have said we could reserve a place because they don't do that. VERY GUTTED!! I guess I shouldn't have mentioned it as it wasn't a definite and now feel like I have definitely jinxed it. In future I will not blog about something I'm looking forward to until it is 100% as I'm extremely superstitious like that and it was just the excitement of the trip that made me break one of my rules. However, I think it's safe to say that one day we will get to the beautiful city that is Bruges :)

On a happier note my camera finally came!!! This means that I can finally take some decent pictures and do some consistent posts. I'm not sure what though as I don't really know where I want my blog to go. I don't want it to be a fashion blog as I honestly do not think I look good like all the other girls who have fashion blogs although if I'm wearing an outfit I really love I will blog about it. I'm thinking I kind of want this to be like an online diary maybe, something I can look back on and enjoy. I'll have a think about what kind of posts I can include in my blog but I'm interested in your opinions too, what would you like to see?

Here's just a few pictures I'm loving right now :)

All pictures from weheartit

P.S - I know alot of bloggers prefer bloglovin' to follow blogs on and it's been recommended to me so I thought I'd sign up so now you guys can follow me on bloglovin' too!


- R x

Sunday, 6 February 2011

plenty of girls and boys in love

(Not 100% sure where all of these are from. Some are from here otheres from here)

Finally my exams are over. I'm not exactly sure how they went, I guess we'll find out in March. The end of exams and constant revision means I can finally pay some attention to my Blog! I have so many post's in mind but the camera I got for Christmas has broken so I'm waiting for it's replacement to turn up so I can take pictures. It's taking for ever though so I might have to borrow my boyfriends for the time being.. we'll see how long it takes.

Speaking of my boyfriend, he has just booked us a mini holiday!!! It's a four day cruise, with a night on the boat two nights in Bruges then another night on the boat. I'm so, so excited! I love Bruges, such a beautiful city and I've started learning a bit of Flemmish :) We're going in the February half term. Has any one else got plans for the half term? I'd love to hear them :)

The next photos I upload of Bruges will have been taken by me :)

- R x

Monday, 24 January 2011

i felt it, i was perfect

I wasn't planning on doing a post this week (with my Psycholgy exam on Friday I was planning on devoting all my attention to intense revision), but after watching Black Swan last night I really felt like I should do a quick post about it.

I can't actually describe how weird or beautiful this film is. From the brilliant director Darren Aronofsky  who has made beautiful, powerful films such as Requim for a Dream, The Fountain and The Wrestler and starring one of my favourite actress' Natalie Portman and briefly featuring another of my faves Winnona Ryder, I do believe this film is a must see. It's direction and plot is so easy to watch and although it has a recieved few criticims, I personally loved it. I also want to stress that although this film is about a ballet dancer, you do not need to be a female and/or into ballet to enjoy this film... I personally hate dance films and I dragged my reluctant boyfriend along to watch it with me and by the end of the film we was both stunned into silence.
Another masterpeice from the brilliant Aronofsky.

Has any one else watched it yet? What did you think?

- R x

Sunday, 23 January 2011

NEW DESIGN...... again!

Rather late blog I know, but I've not long gotten in from work and I paid off my eBay then checked the blogging world and other peoples lovely looking blogs made me jelous so I thought I'd try make mine look better. This has not worked...I don't think I will ever be happy with my blog layout/design!!!

I can't wait for next Friday to be over with as then I don't have to worry about exams untill June and I can get my life back and real blogging can commence as its safe to say the content on this blog so far has been rather poor!

- R x

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


Hiya!! Thank you to all who commented/emailed to let me know about wedges, been having a look at all the sites and places you suggested and have found so many I love that I'm having to let my boyfriend decide which one pair I should buy!

As you'll notice I kinda changed the design of the blog as I wasn't happy with the last one although I'm still not sure... I think it looks a bit, too white? I don't know, I just know that I LOVE that picture of the boy and girl in the car and I think it really sums up my whole attitude to the life and the 'there is no if' line I have adopted from my favourite Cure song as my motto. This picture kind of screams to me JUST DO IT, if you know what I mean? There is no 'what if I did that' just 'I did it!"

So yeah, just a very quick post to say thanks and to inform about the new design....... and now it's back to revision :\ :\
Good luck to anyone else who is currently taking exams!

- R x

Monday, 10 January 2011


Does any one know any where that is selling nice black wedge boots atm pleeeease? Absolutely desperate for some!!! I can only find tan coloured ones tho and I'm not 100% sure about them. Tried Ebay but as I have tiny feet (size 2.5) there's literally NOTHING ON THERE :( :( it's a sad, sad day when ebay lets me down as this has not happened before! Although it's made it up to me as I'm currently watching about 8 items i just HAVE to have. Preparing my self for some fight to the death ebay wars on these items, but they are going to be so worth it - anyway, I love the excitement of a good bidding war don't you? Soon hopefully you'll be getting a post with all the gorgeous new things I've won.. fingers crossed for me :)

Please, please, please help me if you can :) with all the coursework I've got to do and revising for my exams I don't have time to pop up town and look round for myself, so I'm relying on you lot!  

- R x

Wednesday, 5 January 2011


Wow, it's literally been so long since I last blogged! that's because I very stupidly dropped my laptop down the stairs and it's only JUST been fixed :\ I've literally died without it! I had sooo much school work to do that I had to go to my boyfriends to finish off on his computer and of course, no checking my fave blogs!!!

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope everyone had a good one! I really think 2011 will be my year. I've gotten all my conditional offers so I'm just hoping I get the grades I need to get in to uni then it's a fresh start. I love fresh starts.
How was every ones new year? Mine was a bit shocking as I was too out of my trolley to actually be allowed into the club I'd paid tickets before and spent 12o'clock with the (very lovely) taxi man. However, my boyfriend came to my rescue, looked after me and I was with the only person I wanted to be with on the first day of 2011 :)

(I adore this quote. I have it pinned to my notice board above my desk with a picture of me and my bf underneath it as I belive it's so true and so me and him! Found this on the blog Le Love and just had to put it on mine)

This post was actually so I could mention one of my favourite blogs (one which I've spent all day reading over the posts I've missed whilst my laptops been out of action). The Flower Girl!!!!
Seriously love this girls style and posts and I definitely recommend this blog. Take a look :) She's also doing a fabulous giveaway so I'd get yourself entered if I was you!!!

(this picture is one of my favourites of her outfits. beautiful boho dress that I'd die for!)

- R x

P.S. My posts will be few and far between this month as I have exams coming up.Sorry :(