I have been terribly MIA from the blogging world. Well, half and half as I've still been reading everyones blogs daily but I just havn't been in the mood to actually write anything. I do have a very legitamate reason as to why but I'm not really comftorble discussing it with the whole of the world wide web atm so you'll just have to forgive me, please!
I do aim to get back soon, when things have cleared up and gotten better so please bare with me :)
BTW does anyone know where to get cheap quitled/padded jackets from!? Topshop and river island have beautiful ones but there way too expensive for the amount I have in my bank at the mo, and eBay is massivley letting down on this one! Please drop me a comment with any suggestions, would really appreciate it.
- R x
P.s - anyone see what I did there with the title of the post, an M.I.A song as I've been M.I.A ;)